This is Ripley. He's not the only little Genius born right here at WK, but he's definately raising the bar! We are so proud to announce WK's very first certified service dog.


Great Danes are one of the largest and kindest dog breeds in the world. Although they may not initially come to your mind when you think of service dogs, Great Danes are a great option!
Are Great Danes Good Service Dogs? The short answer is, yes! But I'll go ahead and elaborate...
Their large size and gentle personality are two traits that make Great Danes great service dogs. They are an intelligent breed with minimal exercise requirements, making it easy for someone who may have limited mobility to keep the pet happy and healthy. Their tall height allows them to perform certain activities that smaller breeds may not be able to do. Although German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers are the most popular breeds for service dogs, Great Danes are starting to gain more traction in the community. Let’s talk more about what makes them so great, and if one is right for yourself or a loved one.One of the best aspects of a Great Dane as a service dog is its height. This extra height is perfect for someone who may have issues with their balance, as well as someone who may have overall limited mobility. They can reach higher heights and have more strength to pull wheelchairs or push open doors for the owner. The massive size of the animal can also draw attention away from the owner, which is sometimes a huge asset for the dog. Great Danes are very mild-tempered dogs. Although they are large, they are commonly referred to as gentle giants. Their patient and understanding nature makes them particularly well suited to assist others. While most Great Danes are calm, a dog that was taken from the mother too early or had poor training may not have the right temperament to be a service dog.
Before choosing any service dog, you want to find out more information about the breeder as well as the individual or group who trained the service dog. One organization that we highly recommend taking a look at is the Service Dog Project. They specialize in raising and training Great Danes to be service dogs
In addition to these positive qualities, Great Danes are also a relatively easy breed to care for. Although they are large, they do not require an excessive amount of exercise. Their low energy makes them perfect for someone who has limited mobility.
Their short coat also does not require too much grooming, and it does not shed which keeps down on any mess. The dog is also not one who constantly needs to be bathed or brushed. More breeds are being trained each year to provide support to its owner. With any service dog, it is more important to focus on your need, rather than the breed. Most of the common types of service dogs are not only different in the breed, but they are very different in the actions they can perform. Great Danes are most often used as mobility dogs because of their size.

Great Danes for treating Depression
canine therapy is now being recommended to patients struggling with a variety of disorders, both mental and physical. The results are both impressive and of course, adorable
What is Canine Therapy?
To put it simply, canine therapy is a treatment where dogs work alongside humans to encourage patient recovery and promote improved coping skills. It’s a little different from situations where dogs are used in specially trained assistance capacities, such as being guide dogs for those with sight issues or hearing dogs for the deaf. Instead, canine therapy works on the scientifically proven premise that simply being in the presence of dogs, stroking them, sitting with them, and spending time with them, can work to improve patient health. Josh Billings can be quoted saying “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” That capacity to love is something we have only begun to scratch the surface in understanding. People have long spoken of how being around animals has calmed their nerves, lifted their mood, and aided in their recovery, but dogs in particular have a bond with humans that is unlike any other. canine therapy is a complementary, or alternative therapy. It’s put in place to provide an extra form of support or comfort to a patient alongside their regular care, or medication.
Who Can Benefit from Canine Therapy?
some who have been referred for canine therapy can spend one or two hours a week with a specially trained dog who visits with their handler for a session of interaction. This could take place in a client’s own home, or at a clinic or hospital.
Others have been involved in a situation whereby they’re permanently placed with a dog who lives with them full-time and may be allowed in situations where dogs would otherwise be prohibited. People with physical ailments, including high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, dementia, and even those going through cancer treatments are all known to benefit from an improvement to their health from canine therapy. However, it’s those with mental illness or other psychological disorders who get the best results from working with dogs in their recovery program. Examples of such illnesses include:
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
In the case of mental illness, those struggling with low mood and depression are many times suffering from low levels of serotonin, the hormone needed by humans to regulate mood. Research has proven that simply petting a dog for a short amount of time increases the brain’s levels of serotonin, so it’s little wonder that dogs are ideal for those who are depressed. Dogs are known for being the ideal emotional support animal and make perfect companions to those struggling with mental health problems. Looking after a dog can boost wellbeing, result in a sense of company, and dogs can even aid in basic, day-to-day tasks that can make a person’s life a little bit easier.
Those living with autism find dogs to be a calming presence. Parents of autistic children have often noted how well their children have bonded with their therapy dogs, who even help their charges to communicate better and feel less intimidated by the world around them.
Canine Therapy for Reducing Anxiety
there are times when visits to the doctor’s office can be especially daunting. For painful procedures, or cancer treatments, dogs have been working wonders to calm patients and lift spirits. During the recent pandemic, some hospitals and clinics have seen excellent results when dogs are allowed on site to comfort those who arrive for their covid vaccination. Children are immediately made to feel calmer and less frightened when they have a dog to pet, making getting their jab an easier process for all involved. Dogs are making a huge difference for other nerve-wracking moments, too. Dogs are proving to be an invaluable presence on college campuses, as they reduce stress. Dogs providing comfort to students worried about exams or simply missing their families back home are now a regular feature in some college dorms.
The Future for Canine Therapy
with excellent results and proof that in some cases, the use of canine therapy could mean fewer instances of medical or pharmaceutical intervention, it makes good sense for medical workers to continue to encourage patients to access canine therapy services. Much depends, too, on setting realistic goals of success, but the more canine therapy is used, the more physicians and therapists are seeing positive results. This means that the next time the phrase ‘modern healthcare is going to the dogs, it may not be such a bad thing!