This is our beautiful Sadie girl. She is lilac in color, 80% European, 35" tall, and weighs 155 pounds. She is the most precious girl, she has the best temperament! She is very affectionate, gets along with everyone, and is willing to please. I cannot say enough about her coat, it feels like real silk and is super shiny. and to boot..... she's the best mommy, Love this girly!

little miss queeney pie is an 80% euro piebald Great Dane. she is one of my favorite girls. she's absolutely gorgeous and has a great personality to boot.queeney has a bulky build, excellent stance and a short nose which gives her beautiful a block head.


Sweet Merlyn is a 100% European Blue. This girl doesn't meet a stranger, she loves everyone and everything. She is a very gentle girl, she loves to be cuddled!

Ash is a 65% European lilac tan point. She is such a sweetheart with an outstanding temperament. She is fun-loving and gets along with everyone and other animals

Our beautiful Davina is a 100% European blue brindle. She has a striking look about her that sets an impression. Davina is still just a baby, she turns 2 years old in January 2025. She has an excellent temperament, is very loving, and is always aware of her surroundings. Davina is a perfect family/watchdog, you are definitely safe when she's around.

This is our sweet Elsa, she is a 70% European blue harlequin beauty. Elsa is 35" tall and weighs in at 155 pounds. She is the sweetest girl, she cares about nothing but her teddy and pleasing her humans. We love this girl!

Hazel is a 63% European Blue Fawn. She is absolutely precious, and she has the most beautiful babies. She and all her puppies are so loving and calm, we love our Hazel babies!

This is WK's beautiful Fia, she was born right here at Waltz kennels. She is out of Loki and Sukie, she is an incredible combination on the two. Very intelegent, gorgeous conformation and just the sweetest loving little girl. My favorite things about her is her block head, her temperament and her coat.... it's the most beautiful coat I have ever seen, it's so shiny and soft. I can't wait to see her grow and turn into a young lady. She going to make a perfect addition to WK